WordsMine Premium
Level up your vocabulary in a short time
Subscribe for 3 months, equivalent to 166,000 VND/month ($7.2)
499.000vnđ ($21.5)
3 months
Best choice
Subscribe for 6 months, equivalent to 133,000 VND/month ($5.1)
1.000.000vnd ($42.5)
799.000vnđ ($30.5)
6 months
Subscribe for 12 months, equivalent to 99,000 VND/month ($4.2)
2.000.000vnd ($85)
1.199.000vnđ ($50.5)
12 months

Unlock your access to the world's knowledge

  • Increase learning productivity

    Learn 300+ words in a month. Our scientific methods help increase vocabulary memorization up to 95%.

  • Improve test score

    Be more confident in study, reviewing lessons, and improve test score in many subjects like TOEIC, IELTS,...

  • Understand foreign language document quickly

    Look up definition and learn vocabulary while you browse the web, read e-books or watch videos on YouTube.

  • Smart AI Dictionary

    Boost your vocabulary, know how to speak a word, or form a sentence correctly.

What will you get when you own an accountWordsMine Premium 
WordsMine Provide
Translating words when you browse websites, read ebooks, watch Youtube. Supported browsers: Google Chrome, Brave, Microsoft Edge
Varied gamified, interactive learning tools, and science-backed techniques to help you build memory muscle, improve language proficiency
Learn at your own pace, or learn with a group. Connect with 100.000 worldwide learners to improve language, learn from each other
More than 500.000 words, in different academic subjects to help you boost vocabulary, practice speaking, learn how to form a sentence
More than 100 expert-tailored courses in topics including Business English, Communication, Technology, TOEIC, IELTS test prep, ...
And more useful features!
WordsMine Premium Support
Unlimited learning time and all advanced features
Multi-platform support: desktop, mobile app
Support offline use
No annoying ads
Accumulate learning points to redeem attractive gifts
Join interactive challenges and community of like-minded WordsMine's people!
Pricing plans
Basic package includes:
Cloud-enabled storage - 2GB
Learning time - 2 hours/ day
Sync across devices
Unlimited browser extension usage
Import data
Provide fixes for unsupported sites
Deck sharing
Customized theme
from 99.000đ/month ($4.2)
Upgrade your vocabulary level with WordsMine Premium:
Everything in the basic package
Cloud-enabled storage - 10GB
Learning time - Unlimited
Unlimited definition and sample sentences lookup from all dictionaries
Text to speech
Build vocabulary with teammates
Unlimited vocabulary
Organize your vocabulary with labels and notes
Extract data to evernote and notion
Dedicated support
Weekly email report & reminder
Early access to beta features & lock in low price
WordsMine Premium
Level up your vocabulary in a short time
Subscribe for 3 months, equivalent to 166,000 VND/month ($7.2)
499.000vnđ ($21.5)
3 months
Best choice
Subscribe for 6 months, equivalent to 133,000 VND/month ($5.1)
1.000.000vnd ($42.5)
799.000vnđ ($30.5)
6 months
Subscribe for 12 months, equivalent to 99,000 VND/month ($4.2)
2.000.000vnd ($85)
1.199.000vnđ ($50.5)
12 months
Customers report better results
We routinely survey WordsMine users and have found that