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Chrome Extension allows you to add words manually from any websites.

Personalized dictionary

Choose & add custom definitions from most trusted sources.

Easy to memorize

Science-backed learning tools to boost your vocabulary, and memory retention in a short time.

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WordsMine! Make every word you want yours!!

WordsMine is built for those of you who want to improve your vocabulary effectively in a short time, helping you to collect words you encouter during daily Internet-surfing activities and memorize them faster with our scientific approaches and contextualized examples taken from reliable sources. WordsMine stands for "Words Mine!" - where every word you want becomes yours!

What's WordsMine!

How WordsMine gets you acquire vocabulary fast


Extension Popup

Double-click on any word to look up both Vietnamese and English definitions. Furthermore, you have the option to save words to your personal word collection. Making the experience extremely simple and convenient.

How WordsMine gets you acquire vocabulary fast
Web App

Web App

A one-stop storage for managing your content, you can access it whenever you need for any learning purposes. The dashboard allows you to categorize your learning topics, adapt to your learning needs. It acts as a reliable backup for your brain and a perfect language learning companion that you will ever need.


Personalized Dictionary

Not an ordinary dictionary. Not only you can save the content, but our proprietary bi-directional dictionary will also let you look up the definitions quickly in many languages. From here, you can also add your custom meanings, try to speak the word, know how to use it in a sentence, and more.

Personalized Dictionary

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